Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Anti-Social behaviour - The CCTV System

In July 2007 a grand total of £63,000 was spent on a CCTV system for Little Lever comprising 3 cameras which could be moved as required and the associated monitoring equipment which was located in the Police Post in the old Council Offices.

Back in those days, District Centres such as Little Lever were allocated Improvement Funds valued at £50,000 every other year. The 2007 allocation was used for purchasing the CCTV system together with £13,000 from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund.

The purchase included a maintenance contract, the cost of which per year I have been unable to ascertain.

One of the cameras was installed directly opposite the Precinct in Little Lever Centre – this being the location of most concern regarding anti-social behaviour.

The other cameras have periodically been located in any ‘hotspots’ as advised by the Police.

In February a further £900 was allocated by the Area Forum for ‘Ongoing maintenance of the Village CCTV System’. I am not sure if this was just for maintenance, but around this time a new Plasma TV was purchased to provide better images.

As I have said, this viewing equipment was located in the Police Post in the old Council Offices. The images were recorded and retained over a seven day period but could in fact be viewed live over the internet at any time.

Unfortunately in September 2011, the Council Offices were sold and since no other location for the equipment could be immediately found, it was put into storage where it has remained since that time.

There was talk of aquiring a room at The Haven as a Police Post but this came to nothing.

So – one of the cameras is still on the lamp post opposite the Precinct but isn’t operational and the rest of the £64,000 worth of stuff is in a cupboard somewhere.

At the Area Forum on the 3rd February this year, I again brought up this scandalous waste of a valuable resource stating that it couldn’t be beyond the wit of the Police, the Council or even the local Councillors to find a place where this system could be brought back into use.

Councillor Anthony Connell then advised us that the original Maintenance Contract had expired and a new contract would cost in the region of £7,000 per year for which money wasn’t available.

I cannot believe this and today I am writing to the Police and Crime Commissioner to see if he can get this sorted out.

It needs to be done – It can be done and there’s no excuse why it shouldn’t be done.

My E-mail sent to Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd:- 


Dear Sir,

In response to concerns about anti-social behaviour, the Little Lever & Darcy Lever Area Forum in 2007 spent some £63,000 on a CCTV system which comprised 3 moveable cameras and associated monitoring equipment.

I am certain that this proved to be a valuable resource for the Local Police in tackling these problems.

However the monitoring equipment was located in the Police Post in the old Council Offices in Little Lever and sadly, upon the sale of these offices, the Police Post was no longer available.

Since then the equipment has been in storage somewhere as a suitable place of relocation has not been found.

Protestations to local Councillors have produced no solution.

I think that this is a scandalous non-use of what must be a valuable tool for the Police and I am sure it is not beyond the wit of GMP or Bolton Council to be able to bring it back into use.

I would appreciate your input into this and am sure you can get it sorted.

Yours sincerely

Paul Richardson
24 Ripon Close
Little Lever

His reply:-

Dear Mr Richardson,

Thank you for your email dated 19th February 2014. The Commissioner has requested that the Deputy Commissioner look into the issues that you have raised.

The matter has been referred to Greater Manchester Police to review and provide a report back to us.

Please be assured that a response will be provided to you as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Lucy Phelan
Executive Services Officer 


Promoted by Edith D Sexton, 69 Chester Ave, BL3 1XE on behalf of  Paul Richardson, 24 Ripon Close BL3 1EQ

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